Services, Expertise & Specialization

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Hover over each specialization to learn more about each one.

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The Culture Coaches works with your organization to create new cultures, redefine existing cultures or make important changes to impact the current one you have. We define culture in five impactful ways: Values, Structure, Relationships, Communication and Legacy. Our consulting programs address all five of these culture keys or a particular one that might need to be addressed or tuned up. All our work is customized and tailored to fit the needs of your organization or team.
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Strategic planning helps ensure that all your leaders, departments, and employees know what end result you are working toward. The Culture Coaches will design, facilitate, and provide the right tools and materials to allow for your strategic planning process to go smoothly and effectively. Strategic planning allows for new insights on old problems, a cross section of views and ideas, buy-in around goals and strategy, and alignment around decisions and resources to meet the dreams and goals of any organization.
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We cannot influence others without first connecting with others. Leadership development allows for that connection to happen first with ourselves and then with others. Only then, can great things happen. Developing your managers and leaders is what will contribute to their long term effectiveness and the long term success of your culture and company. Leadership is a bout influencing others in pursuit of meaningful goals. Soft skills mixed with technical skills and IQ are the essential ingredients for leadership and organizational success. More than ever, organizations need visionaries; individuals who are willing and able to step up, lead and make a difference.
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Soft skills move hard results. Whether it's better time management, creativity, relationship skills, life balance or learning to make decisions under pressure we have a menu chock full of topics and training that will take you or any of your executives to the next level of success and performance or help a derailed one get back on track
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When teams trust each other the speed of business increases. Teamwork is essential in any organization and yet most teams donŹ¼t reach the results t hey are looking for or the potential they can reach through strong teamwork. If you are not proactively training and building your teams then there you are missing on opportunities for your organization to succeed. Lack of teamwork will also drain leaders of precious time and energy when teams aren't working well together or have too much unhealthy conflict.
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Communication is increasingly becoming one of the highest priorities in many organizations. It's a soft skill that many times keeps relationships from flourishing or keeps meetings and conversation from being productive and efficient. Most conflict, missed deadlines and setbacks in organizations are due to lack of or poor communication. Whether it's how to use email, share thoughts eloquently, run an effective meeting, give a great presentation, provide performance feedback, listening to ideas and opinions or creating disciplined dialogue, The Culture Coaches can help you make communication a hallmark of your success.
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Balanced emotions are contagious. Emotional Intelligence is a professional and personal skill-set using the self and social awareness of emotions and understanding their impact on those around us. It’s the ability to manage the negative emotions of ourselves and others while motivating positive and effective emotions needed for performance. EI is rooted in the neuroscience of how our brain interacts with outside influences and with our neo cortex, otherwise known as the thinking brain. We are master certified and accredited trainers and coaches who deliver effective and impactful speeches, workshops, individual coaching in this arena.
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Virtual and In-Person

Service and Program Delivery Options

 Click on an icon to learn more about the product or service.

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Keynote Speaking

45 minutes-2 hours

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Strategic Retreats

Design and Facilitation,1-2 Days

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Training and Workshops

Half Day-Full Day

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Private Executive Coaching

6-12 Sessions.

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Culture and Strategy Consulting

Hourly or monthly retainer

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Surveys, Feedback and Profiles

Employee engagement, focus groups & personality profiling

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Online Membership and Subscriptions

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Live or Self-Paced Virtual Learning Series

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Downloadable Tools, Checklists and Resource Documents

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Virtual Conferences and Meetings

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Inspirational and Educational Drip Communication

Startling Statistics

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Seventy four percent of employees are just showing up to get a paycheck or actually disengaged and toxic in the workplace according to The Gallup Organization.

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Only one out of every four employees say they know exactly what is expected of them each day.

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Only five percent of the time are we actually in the present moment.

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Eight out of ten employees say their manager doesn't lead them in a way that brings out the best in them.

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We are fifty percent more likely to make an error when we multitask.